This is a Special Offer for the Inner Circle ONLY!!!!!

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The Complete System to

Successfully Launch Your

Coaching Business in 8 Weeks

The Complete System to

Successfully Launch Your

Coaching Business in 8 Weeks

Get a proven plan to grow your profits and change lives?

Do you have a message or talent for helping people that God put on your heart, but you’re not sure how to make a living doing it?

Are you...

  • Creating offers and courses but they don't sell?

  • Selling physical products but barely making enough to keep the lights on?

  • Running yourself ragged serving your customers and clients and can’t find a cost effective way to duplicate yourself?

  • Overwhelmed and confused by all the marketing teachers out there?

  • At a loss for how to present your offer in a way that will lead sales?

  • Unsure about all the tech, course platforms, and options to run your business?

Get a proven plan to grow your profits and change lives?

Do you have a message or talent for helping people that God put on your heart, but you’re not sure how to make a living doing it?

Are you...

  • Creating offers and courses but they don't sell?

  • Selling physical products but barely making enough to keep the lights on?

  • Running yourself ragged serving your customers and clients and can’t find a cost effective way to duplicate yourself?

  • Overwhelmed and confused by all the marketing teachers out there?

  • At a loss for how to present your offer in a way that will lead sales?

  • Unsure about all the tech, course platforms, and options to run your business?

I understand how hard it can be to make progress in your business...

...when you’re also trying to juggle being a mom, wife, friend, employee, volunteer, and take care of yourself—all the things!

I get how frustrating it is to hear business advice from so many experts...

...and feel like you don’t know where to focus your time and energy that will actually make a difference.

I understand how hard it can be to make progress in your business...

...when you’re also trying to juggle being a mom, wife, friend, employee, volunteer, and take care of yourself—all the things!

I get how frustrating it is to hear business advice from so many experts...

...and feel like you don’t know where to focus your time and energy that will actually make a difference.

...when I was running my painting company. I couldn’t out earn the finite amount of time I had in a day. I ended up totally drained and feeling like I wasn’t a good business owner OR wife and mom, and I certainly wasn’t taking care of myself the way I needed.

It was when I made my first painting tutorial video that everything changed. I mean, it wasn’t even that great of a video. My son filmed it on a basic camera, but it was good enough to transform everything about my business and our quality of life.

The shift I made was from doing the thing in my business—painting, to teaching it instead. The sexy new words for teaching what you do are called COACHING and CONSULTING. Of all the ways to make money online, by a long shot coaching and consulting come in the top spot!

...when I was running my painting company. I couldn’t out earn the finite amount of time I had in a day. I ended up totally drained and feeling like I wasn’t a good business owner OR wife and mom, and I certainly wasn’t taking care of myself the way I needed.

It was when I made my first painting tutorial video that everything changed. I mean, it wasn’t even that great of a video. My son filmed it on a basic camera, but it was good enough to transform everything about my business and our quality of life.

The shift I made was from doing the thing in my business—painting, to teaching it instead. The sexy new words for teaching what you do are called COACHING and CONSULTING. Of all the ways to make money online, by a long shot coaching and consulting come in the top spot!

You had a business mentor who could use experiences with nearly 20k clients and only give you the most effective strategies to grow.

You were given a clear plan to go from zero to launch in just 8 weeks and you had simple, easy to understand tutorials for every step in the process.

You could take your God given passions and gifting and use them to make a lasting difference in the lives of others.

You had the freedom in your time and your finances you have been craving soul deep, and you could show up for your self and your people the way you long to.

  • You had a business mentor who could use experiences with nearly 20k clients and only give you the most effective strategies to grow.

  • You were given a clear plan to go from zero to launch in just 8 weeks and you had simple, easy to understand tutorials for every step in the process.

  • You could take your God given passions and gifting and use them to make a lasting difference in the lives of others.

  • You had the freedom in your time and your finances you have been craving soul deep, and you could show up for your self and your people the way you long to.


podcast downloads


social media followers


paid clients


podcast downloads


social media followers


paid clients


And this is what I know...

I have been where you are.

As a creative-visionary, I can remember the exact moment I realized there had to be a better way. I was in a client's house with my painting company and was feeling frustrated and discouraged with all the hours I was working, only to see my bank account not reflect my efforts and time. I realized something had to change. I knew I had to pivot and then I discovered the online space. It was the fastest and easiest way to utilize my talents and skills to create more revenue streams WITHOUT creating more work.


You want more for your family. You want more for your business. You want MORE, but you know you just can't work harder. You're starting to feel drained by all the business-y things because it's taking you away from your true passion—the actual creating! You know you have what it takes to have a super-successful business. You just need help with all the steps and strategy because running a creative business is different than running any other business.

This framework will work for you.

I know that I can teach you what has worked for me and literally thousands of other creatives in my course. AND it will work for you too! You are ready to find a BETTER WAY to do business.

When Ellen started her business, E Marie Tumblers, she had just gone through some difficult times and was basically starting over.

She knew she wanted to be creative and eventually made the goal of being a full-time tumbler artist, but initially was not making $$$!

She started following me and her sales increased 138% in ONE year!

THEN, she took my course and began private coaching, and started a membership group!

Ellen fairly recently had a baby girl and had things in place so she could be flexible...she put parts of the business on hold for a short time, but other parts were still bringing in money.

Since she started teaching others, she has brought in about $18,000 from that stream alone.

Erica Pyle of the Positioned to Prosper Podcast, was struggling with the coaching she was receiving from various “industry leaders” who didn’t share her faith.

Just before Better Way, she needed help figuring out what to prioritize and how to increase her impact.

She was very sad and was praying about what to do and the Lord spoke to her and said, “Erica, there’s a better way.”

The next day, she got my email to join the Better Way Program in her inbox.

Since joining

•Her Instagram grew from 800 to over 1,000!

•She doubled the price of her women’s discipleship membership and gained members!

•She doubled the number of women who signed up in the “early bird” phase for her annual women’s conference!

•She stopped wasting time on activities that weren’t growing her business and ministry!

When Ellen started her business, E Marie Tumblers, she had just gone through some difficult times and was basically starting over.

She knew she wanted to be creative and eventually made the goal of being a full-time tumbler artist, but initially was not making $$$!

She started following me and her sales increased 138% in ONE year!

THEN, she took my course and began private coaching, and started a membership group!

Ellen fairly recently had a baby girl and had things in place so she could be flexible...she put parts of the business on hold for a short time, but other parts were still bringing in money.

Since she started teaching others, she has brought in about $18,000 from that stream alone.

Erica Pyle of the Positioned to Prosper Podcast, was struggling with the coaching she was receiving from various “industry leaders” who didn’t share her faith.

Just before Better Way, she needed help figuring out what to prioritize and how to increase her impact.

She was very sad and was praying about what to do and the Lord spoke to her and said, “Erica, there’s a better way.”

The next day, she got my email to join the Better Way Program in her inbox.

Since joining

•Her Instagram grew from 800 to over 1,000!

•She doubled the price of her women’s discipleship membership and gained members!

•She doubled the number of women who signed up in the “early bird” phase for her annual women’s conference!

•She stopped wasting time on activities that weren’t growing her business and ministry!

The training and accountability you need to make it happen!

  • 8 MODULES so you understand every step of the coaching and launching process

  • WEEKLY Q&A'S every Tuesday for 8 weeks at 12:00pm CST, Jen will be on a Zoom. You will learn so much, not only from getting your questions answered, but also listening to the questions of others!

  • ACCOUNTABILITY COACHING in the Facebook group helping you stay motivated, monitoring progress, and giving you tools you need to go from just starting to FINISHING!!!

  • PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY of like-minded business owners to network with, bounce ideas off of, be inspired by, and learn from as you go through the course.

  • TRAINING VIDEOS in each module with short, easy to consume content videos to teach you all you need to know about coaching and launching. These will cover everything from the big picture to mindset to the very specific, step-by-step instructions.

  • PDF'S, TOOLS, & CHECKLISTS in the modules are interactive and key to helping you get clarity and begin implementation so you can move from dream to reality!


Enter your email and we'll add you to the waitlist!

Look at the success of these former students...

"Grand total of my launch to $21,805🎉

I came to learn to build a course and because all steps are so perfectly laid out, it took away the guess work and figuring things out all on my own!

Clear. Concise. Easy to follow!"

-Lisa Arendell, Lisa Lou Fitness

"Jennifer’s approach to the teachings works so well for my mind set. Since taking the course, I’ve implemented my membership group and open it four times a year with 320+ currently. I’ve started monetizing my YouTube and blog. I’m an affiliate for several companies and have increased by sales volume by 400%. I highly recommend for someone ready to create multiple streams of income.”

-Dionne Woods, The Turquoise Iris

“Last year I didn't even have a website. This year, I added some revenue streams....wholesale and classes...and just had my first $20,000 month!! I finally feel everything I've learned, coming together and clicking and it's amazing. Next up...launch subscription boxes tomorrow! Thanks for opening my eyes to all the possibilities!”

-Julie Brouse, Campfire Clothing Co.

“I have already doubled what I made in an entire year last year! Thank you so much for all of the coaching and help you have given me. This is helping my family's finances in ways I never dreamed I could accomplish, and I'm still growing!!!”

-Amanda Hilburn, The Little Bluebird Gallery

Look at the success of these former students...

"Grand total of my launch to $21,805🎉

I came to learn to build a course and because all steps are so perfectly laid out, it took away the guess work and figuring things out all on my own!

Clear. Concise. Easy to follow!"

-Lisa Arendell, Lisa Lou Fitness

"Jennifer’s approach to the teachings works so well for my mind set. Since taking the course, I’ve implemented my membership group and open it four times a year with 320+ currently. I’ve started monetizing my YouTube and blog. I’m an affiliate for several companies and have increased by sales volume by 400%. I highly recommend for someone ready to create multiple streams of income.”

-Dionne Woods, The Turquoise Iris

“Last year I didn't even have a website. This year, I added some revenue streams....wholesale and classes...and just had my first $20,000 month!! I finally feel everything I've learned, coming together and clicking and it's amazing. Next up...launch subscription boxes tomorrow! Thanks for opening my eyes to all the possibilities!”

-Julie Brouse, Campfire Clothing Co.

“I have already doubled what I made in an entire year last year! Thank you so much for all of the coaching and help you have given me. This is helping my family's finances in ways I never dreamed I could accomplish, and I'm still growing!!!”

-Amanda Hilburn, The Little Bluebird Gallery


This is an entire course to help you market and launch your new revenue streams!

Friends..this course is a $1497.00 value…but you’ll get it FREE when you join The Better Way Program before the cart closes tonight.

This is an absolute STEAL!!!

MODULE 1: Discovery

  • Asking Your Audience
  • What Your Audience is Asking You
  • What If Your Audience Isn’t Asking You Anything
  • Your Ideal Avatar
  • The Transformation

MODULE 2: Preparing

  • What Your Audience is Asking YouWhen to Launch
  • How Long to Leave Your Cart Open
  • Common Launch Mechanisms
  • Live Launch vs. Waitlist launch
  • Why You Need a Waitlist
  • Bonuses During a Launch
  • Launch Checklist and Calendar
  • Seed Planting and Save the Dates
  • Outline Your Sales Page
  • Listing Physical vs Digital Products

MODULE 3: PreLaunch

  • Final Sales Page
  • Waitlist Page
  • Thank You Page
  • Advanced Sales Page Strategies & Tools
  • Nurturing Your Waitlist
  • What to do on Social Media During This Time
  • Email Angles to Use
  • Emails to Send for Physical Products
  • Using Affiliates for Your Digital Product
  • Using Influencers for Your Physical Product
  • Setting Up An Affiliate System in Kajabi
  • Facebook Ad Strategy
  • Your Downsell

MODULE 4: Launch and Post launch

  • Fear of No Sales vs Fear of All the Sales
  • Making Pivots in the Middle of a Launch
  • Things Will Go Wrong
  • What to do on Social Media During Cart Open
  • What to do on Facebook + Instagram
  • Customer Service Expectations
  • Cart Close day
  • Reporting Your Numbers
  • Separating the Numbers from Your Emotions
  • Customer Care = Refunds
  • Debriefing Your Launch
  • When to Relaunch
  • Tech Wrap-Up
  • Email Follow Up


Sign up today to get an Expert Analysis of your Social Media Platforms and Website!

You will get a feedback video highlighting your strengths and weaknesses with action steps you can take right away to level up your marketing!

The insight you will get from this extra set of eyes on your marketing assets will be huge in getting your business primed and ready for your newest revenue stream!

You only have access to this game-changing bonus until Saturday night at midnight!

The clock is ticking...


These amazing bonuses are only available for a limited-time. They will be gone in soon...

No Audience, No Problem

Don't have a large audience?

Want to know what actions to take on a daily basis to grow your following?

This 30-day guide will tell you exactly what to do each day to grow your number of followers so you can have more customers ready to buy when you launch!

($497 Value)

Sales Funnel Mini-Course

Not sure what a sales funnel is or how it can help you and your biz?

This 4-part mini-course will teach you the language and vocabulary around a sales funnel AND what you need to do to create one for your biz! You will have everything you need to create the perfect path for your customers!

($997 Value)

fast-acting bonus

5 Hours of Work from a Virtual Assistant

One of the things I know about creatives is that things like systems and processes and tech can completely derail progress and momentum.

SO, we have started BizAssist, a Virtual Assistant agency for creatives. One of your bonuses is 5 hours of work from one of our virtual assistants. This will be a game-changer for you!

fast-acting bonus

Sales Funnel Mini-Course

A sales funnel is the journey your customer takes as they come into your ecosystem and purchases your products.

This special 4-module course will give you an overview of sales funnels, will help you layout yours out, will help you with the back end and tech, and will show you how to gage your sales funnel's success!

Fast-Acting bonuses are available for only...

Have you taken courses in the past, but gotten stuck on the tech?

Do you sometimes love getting started, but have trouble with the follow-through?

Would you be so much more successful if you could have the essentials DONE FOR YOU?


Logo and Brand Guide

Our team of graphic designers will create a logo and brand guide with carefully selected fonts, colors and design elements to make sure your brand stands out online.

Email List

Don’t have an email list started? No problem. Your virtual assistant will start one for you! She’ll connect all the dots and get you up and running in no time.

Email Opt-in

So you have an email list, now what? Your virtual assistant will create a one-page email opt in so you can start gathering a list of your ideal clients to launch to.

Sales Page

You’re going to need a sales page to sell your product, so your virtual assistant will create a sales page with your product information, branding, testimonials and will connect it all to a payment processor so you can start making money!

Asset Review

An audit by Team Allwood of your Revenue Stream implementation Plan to help make sure you are completely set up for success!

Accountability Coach

9 weeks working with our Accountability Coach to help make sure you are setting goals, taking action steps, and meeting those goals.

Here's where you introduce bonuses.
01. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.
02. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.
03. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.
04. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.

I know this course can help any business owner trying to grow in the online space. These strategies have worked for me and thousands of creators and can work for you too.

But I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you change your mind, we will give you a refund as long as you meet a few requirements. (All the details and requirements for the refund are found on the bottom of the checkout page.)

if you have multiple price points, 

you can lay it out here.


Billed annually, no set up fee.

• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
Included in the package
Included in the package

Billed annually, no set up fee.

• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package

Billed annually, no set up fee.

• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
Summarize What Sort Of Transformation Happened 

Because Of Your Offer. 

list out examples that help your prospect

see themselves after they've used your product.

add some video testimonials if you have them.

remind them of the scarcity.

that waiting will have consequences.


Billed annually, no set up fee.

• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
Included in the package
Included in the package

Billed annually, no set up fee.

• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package

Billed annually, no set up fee.

• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package
• Included in the package

Frequently Asked Questions

I just started my business. Is it too soon for me to take Better Way 2.0 The Course for Coaches?

There’s no wrong time to take this course. It may be the catalyst that gets you motivated to get your business off the ground so you can make money online!

What is the difference between Better Way 2.0 and the original Better Way Program?

In the first Better Way Program, I taught 8 streams of income you could add to your business. After implementing that with thousands of clients, I now only teach the 3 most profitable streams plus four weeks on launching so you come away with life changing income.

How much time does this program require each week?

The videos in each module will take 1-2 hours per week plus there is a 1 hour scheduled Zoom call you can participate in. Plus you can listen to my Private Podcast Bonus and learn while you do life!

When are the live trainings?

A girl who likes a calendar... you're my people! The live Q&A calls with Jen happen Tuesdays at 12pm CST (times may be subject to change.) But don't worry if you can't make it live, they'll always be recordings so you can catch the replay!

How long will I have access to the course?

You will have unlimited access to this version of the course plus any updates we make to this certification program in the future!!! The Facebook group will stay active for 1 year, but even after that, you can always come back to revisit the modules, videos, etc.

If I am in Network Marketing/sell physical products, is this for me?

This Program will show you how to shift your business from making or doing, to teaching what you make or do. Adding coaching to what you already do, will be the most profitable income stream you add!

Still not sure if Better Way 2.0 is right for you?

Look at what Better Way graduates have said about this program!!!

You can have this same kind of success in your business...

I just launched my first real online course at 6:30 tonight!!! I've had 4 people purchase already so hopefully it does well! I've been wanting to do this for 3 years now. Thank you guys for all your help! The Better Way Program was amazing you guys. The way you broke all the info out, made everything so easy! Even though I am already familiar with so much, it really helped my brain organize info. Just wanted to let y'all know that. I am soooooo relieved!!!!

-Jennifer Raiden, Canvas Sign Designs

I launched my Pinterest Coaching program this summer thanks to The Better Way Program and it has increased my income so far by 20%. AMAZING!!!!

-Sara Motes, Motes Design

I just wanna say thank you for this program. I've done my fair share of wandering and second-guessing myself but not during this program. The Better Way is giving me such a clear, focused way to get this course launched and I'm so happy with the progress I've made so far and I'm so excited to see this through all the way to the end! I'm staying with it out of faith, and I just want to thank you for your leadership and help walking this out! It is so valuable to me!!!!

-Paula Thiel,

You and your team are amazing. I took the Bootcamp in February with you and only saw you and was so impressed. Now with the program, I have gotten to meet members of your team and it’s even more amazing!! The program is truly helping me, Totally amazing experience.

-Angela Butler, Tivoli Treasures

I would highly recommend, and HAVE highly recommended The Better Way Program. I honestly felt like after the first 10 days, I had more than received my value out of this course because of how much I had learned even at that point. I'm still blown away. Thank you, thank you!

-Amy Taylor, Designer Roadkill

Team Allwood did deliver above and beyond every single week. There is simply no place else for Christian business women to have a forum like this that I have found. It was worth every single cent, and I look forward to completing the course over the summer. I can’t wait to launch:)

-Jody Smith, Jody Smith VoiceOver

This is for you if...

  • You want to work with a coach who gets you...the way you think...the way you process.

  • If you’re not techy and want step-by-step instructions or just want the tech done for you!

  • If you own a brick and mortar and you want to move into the online space.

  • If your time is really important and you need to see some breakthrough in your business quickly.

  • If you love the idea of community and meeting other like-minded entrepreneurs.

This is not for you if...

  • If you’re looking for a magic bullet. Your results really are up to you. I can give you all the techniques and strategies to build income online, but if you don’t COMMIT to doing the work, you won’t get results.

  • If you're resistant to building a business online. If you hate the internet and social media, this is going to be hard for you.

  • If you're not open to other or new ways of doing things.

  • If you think success is only for other people.

Time For Some Tough Love...

The kind of business growth I want to help you get doesn't happen overnight. It takes planning and preparing and implementing new things.

There are lots of different people selling lots of different courses about all the ways to make money online. But after implementing all those revenue streams in my own business and those of my clients, I can tell you there is one way to make money online that is more profitable than the rest, coaching!

You have a business to run. I don't waste any more time on strategies that don't work. I've done all the trial and error so you don't have to!

I have a multi 7-figure coaching business and I will teach you all you need to know about building a launching in ONE COURSE!

The Bottom Line...

I know exactly what you need and I want you to have it all in one place!

I have the tried and true shortcuts and well-tested strategies that can help you grow your business faster because everything you need is in the Better Way 2.0 The Course for Coaches.

Meet Your Coaches...

In addition to mindset strategy coaching from Jen, you will also get coaching on things like tech, logistics, marketing, and more from Jenna and Nell!

Jenna Kenyon

Jenna has been working alongside Jennifer for over four years and brings a variety of skills and past experiences to the team. She has a background in retail and product development, spent time in corporate America and then grew a photography business from the ground up while her husband served in the military.

Her primary areas of expertise include business operations, systems efficiency, product development and fulfillment and human resources.

Jenna’s heart is to see women grow businesses that provide financially for their families and allows them to live out their calling at the same time.

Jenna lives on the outskirts of Cleveland with her husband, 3 kids and 2 golden retrievers.

Nell Stortz

Nell brings all kinds of experience to the table. She started her first business, a dance studio, when she was just 21! She went on to teach high school math for many years while coaching dance and cheer. While teaching she had several side gigs like cake making, sewing, and more.

She also took a small hobby craft business to the big leagues with a storefront and 12 employees. After 5 years, she realized a brick-and-mortar store was not her dream, but her creative business is still going strong today and continues to bring in six figures!

With more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur with both service and product-based businesses, she loves EVERYTHING about helping other business owners succeed!

Her primary areas of expertise include product-based business strategy, marketing and sales, and ALL THINGS TECH! Nell has yet to meet a new piece of tech or new platform she doesn't love to play with, learn, and teach. Her teaching background also helps her deliver instruction in a clear, concise, easy to understand manner.

Nell lives in McKinney, Texas with her husband of 22 years, Justin, their 4 kids, 2 dogs, and 3 kitty cats.


Jennifer Allwood | Copyright ©2023

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